*References are from the Book of Revelation and included Rev 6:1-12 and Rev 8:1-5

Seal #VisionSymbolismExplanationTime Period
1 (6:1-2)White HorseConquerorPurity of the Church and conquering power of the gospelFirst century
2 (6:3-4)Red HorseConflict on EarthContention, dissention, and controversy among God’s people. Wordliness creeps inFirst 3 Centuries
3 (6:5-6)Black HorseScarcity on EarthDark Period when the church was contaminated with human traditions and pagan practicesAD 323 to AD 538
4 (6:7-8)Pale HorseWidespread Death on EarthDegradation of the church, when Gods Commandments were changed and people who followed scripture were persecuted and killed. (Dark Ages)AD 538 to AD 1560
5 (6:9-11)Beheaded SoulsCry of the MartyrsA period of reformation when the blood of martyrs is represented as crying out for vengence1500s – 1790
6 (6:12-17Time of signs in natureCosmic DisturbancesEnd-time signs awake the world. Great political and social changes. Prior to the sealing of God’s people1790 – Christ’s Return
7 (8:1-5)Christ’s ReturnClosing of the Sanctuary ServiceThere is no more intercession and God’s people are sealed and awaiting Christ’s ReturnEnd of time