Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “Why do Christians worship on Sunday?”? Or, have you asked yourself, “When did Sunday services begin?”. If you were like me, the thought never crossed your mind. Maybe your parents did it and, then, you just went along with their practice. Or, somehow, you got connected with the local church and you just went along with the “status quo”.

Donation methods Through all these twists and turns, it looks like God is allowing me to work to support my ministry. However, not just my ministry, but my family in Madagascar. So, really, I may not see much resources for my own personal needs. However, I’m not quite out ofContinue Reading

“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in.” Mathew 23:13 The leaders of our religious institutions are a far cry away from the truth. In particular,Continue Reading

Oftentimes, the religious experience can turn into exclusivity. We can subconsciously shun the “sinners” and gravitate towards the “righteous” and expect to receive a special endowment of righteousness by being near them. However, that behavior can actually lead to the opposite effect…