Is Jesus’ Coming Near?
One of the great questions inside and outside of the Christian community is, “Is Jesus’ coming near? What did Jesus really say about His second coming?
One of the great questions inside and outside of the Christian community is, “Is Jesus’ coming near? What did Jesus really say about His second coming?
Let’s go over everything we have learned so far.
1. In the first post, we learned that Satan has infiltrated the church…
God does not force the will or judgment of any. He takes no pleasure in a slavish obedience…
Day in and day out God tries to reach us. He tries to get us to listen to Him that we may receive life. John 10:10. Are we listening to Him? I ask myself the same question. Am I listening to God or am I shutting Him out? Jesus ChristContinue Reading
When you take the time to see that the Bible has predicted historic events with 100 percent accuracy and…
As the people of God approach the perils of the last days, Satan holds earnest consultation with his angels…
The Seven Seals of Revelation are actually periods of time.
Prophetic time in the Bible is counted differently than literal time. However, the Bible gives us the keys to unlock the mystery of prophetic time.
Quick comparison between the defeated foe (satan) and the Creator in the book of Revelation.
Considering we are in the time of the fourth kingdom, wouldn’t you want to know more about it and what it’s role is in Biblical prophecy?