Oftentimes, the religious experience can turn into exclusivity. We can subconsciously shun the “sinners” and gravitate towards the “righteous” and expect to receive a special endowment of righteousness by being near them. However, that behavior can actually lead to the opposite effect…

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”  Mat 18:20 (KJV) There are times we agree to participate in “prayer” meetings, which are usually Bible studies in disguise. Sometimes it’s actual Bible study groups. Other times, we agree to meetContinue Reading

Day in and day out God tries to reach us. He tries to get us to listen to Him that we may receive life. John 10:10. Are we listening to Him? I ask myself the same question. Am I listening to God or am I shutting Him out? Jesus ChristContinue Reading