The day God rested on and blessed. He sanctified, or set apart, this day for holy use (Exo 20:8, Lev 23:3). He established this day at creation (Gen 2:2-3) for all mankind (Mar 2:27, Isa 56:6-7) and is a sign between us and God that we may know who we worship (Eze 20:20). It was honored before the 10 Commandments were spoken at Mount Sinai (Gen 26:5, Exo 20:1, 8-11) and observed by the Jews in Exo 5:5 (also before Sinai) as well as kept by Jesus (Luk 4:16) and the New Testament Jews and Gentiles (Acts 13:44). It was observed by John in the book of Revelation (Rev 1:10), will be observed by God’s end-time people (Rev 14:6-71, Rev 14:12) and will be observed in the New Earth after the wicked are destroyed (Isa 66:23)
1. Rev 14:6-7 refers to creation which the Sabbath commandment does as well (Exo 20:9-11)