Part 7 of Man of the Beast Series


Let’s go over everything we have learned so far.

1. In the second post, we learned that Satan has infiltrated the church and his deception is wide-spread. This was foretold by Jesus in Mat 24:11-12. Jesus explained that, right before His Second coming, “many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.” We are in that age of deception and the Pope is one of the biggest deceivers of our time. He sits in the “temple of God” (church), showing himself that “he is God” (claiming to have authority to forgive sin and overrule the Bible). 2Th 2:3-4.

2. Next, we discovered that God gave a huge prophecy in a dream to King Nebuchadnezzar, which Daniel had to interpret. In this dream, God revealed that Babylon would be conquered by Medo-Persia. Medo-Persia would fall to Greece. Greece would be succeeded by Rome and Rome would not fall to another kingdom but, rather, would be divided into ten smaller kingdoms. We happen to be in this “divided kingdom” of Rome and the next major event in this dream is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Over 2500 years of human history was foretold around 600 B.C. What an amazing God we serve!

3. This lead us to take a look into what prophecy is and why it’s important. Prophecy is such an important topic in the Bible that the first prophecy comes as early as Gen 3:15. We uncovered that prophecy by “decoding” the symbols in that Scripture using Scripture as a reference. 2Pe 1:20 tells us that no prophecy has a private interpretation. Therefore, all symbols should be explained by using the Bible as a reference. We also took note that God does not hide major events from His people because He wants them to be prepared. Amos 3:7. However, if they aren’t, there is no excuse because the final test is, quite literally, an open book test. Acts 10:34, Rev 1:3.

4. Although we understood the succession of empires in Daniel 2, God revealed much more detail in Daniel 7. The focus, however, was not on the big kingdoms. It was, rather, focused primarily on this little horn that has big prophetic importance! We learned that this little horn blasphemed God, thought to change His times and laws and persecuted God’s people. Dan 7:25. Through 10 characteristics given in Daniel 7, we unlocked the identity of this little horn: The Roman Catholic Church.

5. In the last post, we tied up a loose end from the “little horn” study. We addressed Biblical prophetic time and how to convert it to real-time. There was a time prophecy given in Dan 7:25. 3 1/2 “times” the Papacy would have the power to “wear out the saints”. We first interpreted the word “time” as a year then addressed the “day for a year” principle outlined in the scriptures. Num 14:34, Eze 4:6 and Luk 13:32. After doing the math, we have discovered that this time prophecy lasts 1260 years and the beginning point was 538 AD when the Pope was allowed to reign with the backing of Belisarius. The ending point was, thus, in 1798 when the Pope was taken Captive by France and his dominion, taken away.


Now, let’s dig into the book of Revelation. The first thing that we must understand is that Revelation is a book able to be understood. In fact, it’s called the Revelation because Christ desires to reveal Himself to His people. You see, the book is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ in Rev 1:1. And in revealing Himself, He spends time addressing His love for His church, the dangers that His church would encounter and, ultimately, who is the mastermind behind those dangers. He also reveals His ultimate plan to redeem mankind as well as the sufferings that some of His followers would go through. Ultimately, however, the book of Revelation establishes Jesus Christ as Victor and, through His victory, His people will be co-conquerors in the battle between good and evil.

I know we left off in Daniel 7 and you might be wondering why we are heading over to Revelation,13. Well, we have covered enough groundwork to get into the meat and potatoes of future prophecy. We could spend a few more posts in the book of Daniel, but it’s not necessary for understanding what is to come. However, if you are truly interested in the rest of Daniel, Join our Group Bible Study.

The Link Between Daniel 7 and Revelation 13

In Revelation, God goes deeper and deeper into this “little horn”, namely the Roman Catholic Church, to leave His people no doubt that this entity will be the final adversary of God’s people. There are many Chapters in Revelation that illustrate and expand on the cruelty and evil of the Catholic Church but let’s focus on Revelation 13.

What I’m going to tell you:

  1. All the beasts (Nations) of Dan 7 are in Rev 13 and…
  2. Rev 13’s beast is really showing us that they are all of one mind, Lucifer.
  3. There are links between the beasts in Dan 7 and Rev 13 and they are:
    • They come out of the sea
    • There are 7 heads in both chapters
    • The 10 horns are identical
    • The blasphemy is identical
    • The body part that’s missing is the whole beast
  4. The 7 heads are actually time periods/empires.
  5. The final head/kingdom is the Roman Catholic Papacy.
  6. What the Bible says the beast will do in the future.

The Beasts are Identical

The first thing we will notice in Rev 13 is that there is a beast that has elements of all the beasts of Dan 7. In essence, what Revelation 13 is telling us is now we are looking at all the nations as, really, 1 entity. Although they were different nations, they were actuated by the same mind, namely the devil.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Isa 14:12

Lucifer is the mastermind which deceives the whole world (Rev 12:9) and influences governments to do his bidding. Let’s look at the evidence concerning the two chapters now.

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Rev 13:1-2

The Sea

The first thing we should notice is this beast comes up out of the sea. This sea is indicative of a densely populated area with many different cultures.

And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

Rev 17:15

We already established a beast is a king or a kingdom (Dan 7:17, 23) in Bible Prophecy. In Daniel 7:3, he sees 4 beasts (or kingdoms) coming up out of the sea (or densely populated area) as well.

The 7 Heads

If we were to count the heads of all the beasts in Dan 7 you’d end up with 7. 1 for Babylon (Dan 7:4), 1 for Medo-Persia (Dan 7:5), 4 for Greece (Dan 7:6) and 1 for the “dreadful and terrible” beast (Dan 7:7). Thus both Revelation 13 and Daniel 7 have 7 heads.

The 10 Horns

There are 10 horns on the “dreadful and terrible” beast (Dan 7:7) as well as this conglomerate beast in Rev 13.

The Missing Beast

Finally, we see that the body parts are identical to the beasts in Dan 7. There is one beast missing, however, and it’s the “dreadful and terrible” beast. In this case, I suggest we must logically conclude that the entity in Rev 13 is, as a conglomerate, a dreadful and terrible beast based on the other evidence which we have. Let me make a case for that. Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established Mat 18:16.

  1. All other nations in the basic structure given in Dan 2 and 7 are present.
  2. The rest of Revelation 13 seems to focus in on this “final kingdom” of Dan 2.
  3. The book of Revelation was written about 90 AD. This would be exactly in the time period of the Roman kingdom (Dreadful and Terrible Beast from Dan 7). As John is given this vision of the beast, he must be looking at its present state. It shows traces of the past as well as reveals what is going to happen in the future of this present beast.

A Deeper Look into the Seven Heads

Now, you will have to put your thinking caps on because this detail has eluded many students of prophecy. The claim is that Rev 13 focuses on the Roman Catholic Church, ie. the “little horn” and there is no mention of this little horn in Revelation 13. But notice in this conglomerate beast that only 1 head is active in this chapter. This will lead us to conclude that these heads represent time periods or empires.

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Rev 13:3

Notice only one head is wounded. If this prophecy was addressing the whole beast then, why aren’t all heads wounded? But as we know, all the kingdoms are not around at the same time, so this must be addressing only one kingdom. Now we prove that this particular head is the last kingdom, namely, the Roman Catholic Church, or the “little horn”.

The Last Kingdom, The Roman Catholic Papacy

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

Rev 13:5

We see the first evidence is that this kingdom speaks blasphemies. There is only one kingdom that we have seen thus far in prophecy which claims to be God or forgive sins (Mar 2:7, Joh 10:33) and that is the little horn/Papacy.

The second piece of evidence is the fact that this entity has power 42 months. Well if you do the math, 42/12=3.5. This is the same 3 and a half prophetic years we find in Dan 7:25.

Next, we jump back up to Rev 13:3 to notice there was a deadly wound. We can apply that to the deadly wound the Papacy received in 1798. We know it’s a deadly wound but not a final blow because the Papacy still exists today and is almost healed.

Adding to the point in Rev 13:3, we see down in Rev 13:10 that there is a hint that someone would go into captivity. Well, the Pope was taken captive by France in 1798 when the Papacy received its deadly wound.

One last piece of evidence. Rev 13:7 addresses the making war with saints, which the “little horn” did. Let’s look at two verses side by side.

And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Rev 13:7, Dan 7:25

It’s, dare I say, obvious that the little horn continues its story in Revelation 13 under a new guise. Now to glean some of the new details.

The Future of the Beast

  1. In Rev 13:2, we see that that dragon, or satan (Rev 12:9), gave the Catholic Church its authority.
  2. We see that the deadly wound is healed in Rev 13:3. This means that the Papacy will have worldwide dominion again over secular affairs as well as religious.
  3. When this wound is healed, the whole world, in essence, will worship it. Keep in mind, obedience is directly linked to worship (1 Ki 9:6, 2 Ch 7:19, Mat 15:9, Mar 7:7).
  4. Finally, way down in Rev 13:18, we get this “number of the beast”, 666. This number is said to also be the “number of a man”. Well, we do know the Papacy has one male as its figurehead. Is there anything that would allude to the Pope’s number being 666?

If you need any more evidence, please contact me at here because I have plenty. However, we will move on with what we have here. By God’s Grace, in the future, we will address a new player that comes into Revelation 13 and this new entity is quite different from all the other beasts…It looks like a lamb (Rev 13:11) (finally it’s not a beast of prey) however, it speaks like a dragon (say it ain’t so!).

We will identify this beast and then tackle, what everyone really needs to know, the “mark” of the beast. Stay tuned.

What I told you:

  1. All the beasts (Nations) of Dan 7 are in Rev 13 and…
  2. Rev 13’s beast is really showing us that they are all of one mind, Lucifer.
  3. There are links between the beasts in Dan 7 and Rev 13 and they are:
    • They come out of the sea
    • There are 7 heads in both chapters
    • The 10 horns are identical
    • The blasphemy is identical
    • The body part that’s missing is the whole beast
  4. The 7 heads are actually time periods/empires.
  5. The final head/kingdom is the Roman Catholic Papacy.
  6. What the Bible says the beast will do in the future.

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