There’s a root to everything. Jesus said if your eyes cause you to sin, pluck it out. While I’ve read of a man actually doing that, if you’ve read the New Testament, you know Jesus likes to use a lot of allegories.
I’ve been doing a practice and I’ve found it to be helpful. I’m being extremely mindful of what my eyes see. If I see a provocatively dressed woman, I do my best to look away. (I know, crazy). If I see a provocative image on the internet, I do my best to ignore it and move on as quickly as possible. I’m quite literally turning my eyes, little by little, into “virgin eyes” by the Grace of God. Jesus tells us to do this in Matt 6:22.
The result is that lust isn’t given a chance to grow in my mind, and eventually, in my actions.
If your problem is food. Don’t even look at bad food. Remove it from your dwelling place. Don’t go down that junk aisle at the grocery store.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, focus on the little things and the big issues will get solved.