The Creator vs The Created in Revelation
Quick comparison between the defeated foe (satan) and the Creator in the book of Revelation.
Quick comparison between the defeated foe (satan) and the Creator in the book of Revelation.
We may be in a time where more and more “famed” religious leaders are giving their allegiance to system of beliefs rather than God. You may be reading those books, listening to their talks or subscribing to their doctrines. This by no means implies all great men are not of God but we should be diligent as the Bereans.
Did you know a pagan king wrote a chapter in the Bible? Wait, before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s talk about this king who saw the future.
Prophecy is an extremely important part of the Bible. The first Prophecy of the Bible came right after the fall of man. Right after God finished announcing the punishments to Adam and Eve, He promised…
Christ is coming soon but what will precede the coming? It’s more sinister than you think.
There’s a root to everything. Jesus said if your eyes cause you to sin, pluck it out. While I’ve read of a man actually doing that, if you’ve read the New Testament, you know Jesus likes to use a lot of allegories. I’ve been doing a practice and I’ve foundContinue Reading
*warning — somewhat graphic content* For the last few months, I have have been struggling to completely eradicate fornication (sexual intercourse between unmarried people) and lust from my life. I struggled last year to completely eradicate pornography. During this process I’d go for some pretty long stretches and, if capable ofContinue Reading